
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A.P.P.R.: Pre and Post Assessments

I've had a few people commenting on these assessments so I decided I would share what I've come up with so far.  I've already shared my rubrics for the self-portraits but here I will share what I've decided to do for my pre and post assessments at every grade level.

In St. Lawrence county, we had one staff development day in March that we all got together at and tried to come up with regional assessments.  We had a really difficult time and never really finished, nor got back together to finish.  I wasn't really happy with what we came up with either as it was way to specific and for most of the grade levels, didn't match what I taught.  I really don't like the idea of repeating an exact project at the beginning and end of the year, and that's what they wanted to do.  I feel like the following assessments I made allow for students to create something different as their end product so they won't be taking home two identical projects (aside from the test assessments!).

Before I share these though, please understand the following:

         1.  I won't have to use all of these each year...this year I have figured that I will need to do assessments for 5th, 6th, Kindergarten and 1st grade as these are my largest grade levels that will give me my 51% student population.

         2.  I may have to change my assessments at the beginning of the year a bit, depending on whether or not my superintendent approves of them as rigorous assessments.  (I'm guessing that I will have to take the time management aspect out of my rubrics as it will be difficult for the other teacher to assess this since she won't be in my room...unless of course I would be allowed to assess that part of the rubric.)


I've shared the worksheet that goes with this assessment here.  For this assessment, students will be asked to cut out various shapes (simple to advanced) and to glue them onto construction paper.  I plan to assess their scissor skills and their gluing skills.  I am a little unsure as to if this particular assessment can be done by the other teacher as I am assessing their scissor and gluing skills here and most of the cutting rubric in particular will need to be filled out from observations...

1st Grade

For my 1st grade assessment, I will have student split their paper into 6 sections.  They will receive 6 minutes to draw each item as I call it out to the best of their ability.  Those include a fuzzy dog, a rainbow, a flower, a tree, their family, and anything they want.  The following rubric is what I created for that assessment:

2nd Grade

My 2nd grade assessment will be treated partly as a type of test and partly as a drawing.  (To deal with students with IEPs, I will probably read the scavenger hunt part out loud.)  We start to get into critiques and talking about art in 2nd grade, so their assessment will reflect that.  They will receive three paintings (Picasso's Crying Woman, American Gothic, and the Arnolfini Wedding Portrait).  For the last part of the assessment, they will receive the remainder of the first period to start and one other complete class to finish half of Vittore Carpaccio's painting called Two Venetian Ladies on a Balcony.  Here is the grading rubric for this assessment:

3rd Grade

In 3rd grade, we will focus on depth and landscapes, so their assessment will be for landscapes.  For the pre-assessment, I will read them the story of Little Red Riding Hood without showing them any of the pictures.  They will then have two class periods to draw what they think the path looked like to grandmothers house from the story.  At the end  of the year, they will do the same thing, but I will read them the story of Hanzel and Gretel.  I will look for details in their drawing that they remembered from the story, as well as the characteristics of a good landscape.  Here is that rubric:

4th Grade

In 4th grade, they will start to do more drawings from real life and learn some basic shading techniques so their assessment will be to draw a still life and shade it in black and white.  Here is that rubric:

5th Grade

In 5th grade we will focus on color theory so they will receive a color theory test in worksheet form where they have to color in the color wheel using colored pencil and answer a series of questions by coloring.  I haven't decided if I will give them one or two days for this...I'm leaning towards one day unless they have an IEP for longer.  Here is that worksheet (I plan to score it out of 100):

6th Grade

Sixth graders will also receive a test.  The first part of the test will consist of the students seeing seven different slides.  The second part will consist of 11 vocabulary words that they must define and tell me which culture they come from (Porcelain, capital, altar, cartouche, pictograph, Dreamtime, hieroglyphics, candy skull, animal spirit, Ionic order, nomad).  I am thinking that I will split this test into two days, part 1 and part 2.  Below is what the 1st page of that test looks like:

Name:  _____________________________    Date:  _______________
Class:  ______________________________
Be sure to read ALL the directions carefully in each section carefully.  Answer each question to the best of your ability.  You may not ask another student for help.
Prehistoric                Egyptian                    Greek             Asian
Aboriginal                 Mexican                    Native American
 For the first section, you will see seven slides.  Each slide will remain on the board for three minutes.  For each slide, you must tell me what culture it comes from and 1-2 sentences explaining why that artwork represents that culture (5 pts. each)

1.    Culture:  _________________________________
Facts:  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Are these both pre and post assessments?

    1. Yup...I plan on doing these at the very beginning of the year and again at the end of the year. The state is basically telling everyone that for your pre and post assessments, you need to do the same thing, otherwise you aren't properly assessing the students for growth.

  2. Whew...that does sound like a rather exhausting end to the day. I might either have the second to last class of the day do the clean-up OR even better...train your first class of the day to do it. I only allow five minutes for the reset to begin with so that wouldn't take too much time away from your first class. Right now I use the first 5 minutes of every class to do sketchbooks anyway --- you know --- it calms them down. They might be slow at the reset at first, but I promise you, give them a few weeks and it will be a well-oiled machine.

    Perhaps even kids who get there early in the morning could volunteer to come down to your room and do the reset for you...or kiddos in aftercare (if you have one).

    Those are my thoughts. Hopefully something pans out. ;)

  3. As far as your other comment goes about certain tables finishing earlier, I really only have that happen with the older kids. Her is why:

    K-2nd...for the most part...I take these kids step by step through their projects. I start to ease up a bit at the end of the year, but for the most part, I keep it structured. They don't get the supplies until the step they need them. This keeps them going by my clock instead of their own pace.

    For the older kids, yes, some get done early. And yes, I do have a huge free time sections. (Maybe I should do a post on this). In my free time I do have free draw paper...but I also have things like art library books, I spy books, etc, color suduko, tracers, and a plethora of other games. If kids finish but don't quite have enough time to do a game or free draw...give them a book. Easy clean-up. SO SO EASY. If not that, assign them a task in your room. Something you need done. It could be as simple as organizing the free time area. ;)

    If there is really zero time but still a bit of time. Just make them sit there. Tell them to encourage the efforts of those around them that are still working.

    Def try out those leader positions. Then you won't have to pick people to do clean-up or even pick up the artwork yourself. They will just know it is there turn. They are all willing I have found. It might seem chaotic at first, but it does get smoother. You just got to teach them how to do their jobs, practice, and repeat. ;)

  4. wow! thank you so much for posting this. just started my first year teaching elementary art and need to do my SGO's this is amazingly perfect!!!

  5. So i know this was 5 years ago and you haven't posted lately so i don't know if you will see this or not but did your superintendent approve these? Are these the assessments you are still using?
