
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Busy Week!

Before I begin my post...I just need to share a photo of one of my family dogs, Larry.  Larry was a Katrina rescue.  He had two families after Katrina before my mom and I picked him out to adopt, somewhere around my freshmen year of college.  Yesterday was a rough day because my dad had to call me to tell me Larry was hit by a car and didn't make it... :(  He was such a cute little beagle and my cuddle buddy whenever I went home to visit my parents.  He'll be missed!  (And yes, his tongue was too long for his mouth!  It always hung out like that, all dry and crusty...such a character he was!)

On an art note, I'm insanely jealous that all you other art teachers out there already have completed art work to show!  My 5th and 6th graders are finishing up their anti-bullying slogans...which will probably take another class or two at the most...then I have to give them their pre-assessment before I start covering my material!  This is taking forever!!!

The good K-4 pre-assessments will all be complete as of tomorrow!!!!  That means they get to start my art projects next week on Monday and I'll FINALLY have art projects to share!  Yea!!!

Well, here are some photos of what we've been doing in class these last few days:

 5th Grade, trimming and sorting their alphabet letters for their anti-bullying slogans.

 Kindergartners, cutting and gluing for their pre-assessment.  The student below already has AMAZING cutting skills for a Kindergartner!

Sorting bottle caps during their free minutes before class ends!

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