Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Live Christmas Tree Sculptures: 5th Grade Group Activity

So today I was able to try out a pin I found on Pinterest for a group activity.  I did it with those elostreous 5th graders...and it was AWESOME!  They were really into it.  I let them choose their own groups for this and it was a blast!

Here's what we did:

I gave each group a tray with the following: green streamers, tape, wire, pipe cleaners, yarn and foam shapes.  If they wanted anything else for their tree, they had to ask me during "production".

Everyone started wrapping and creating!

I dare say, but I really wanted to keep a few of these students wrapped up all day! ;)

I invited our principal to check out our "project" and she helped out the group on the right make a star hat!


  1. Oh, this is hysterical! My art club kids JUST left--too bad I hadn't seen this earlier!

  2. That is too funny!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!

  3. oh my god that is so funny! I will have to suggest we do this as a homeroom activity next year! you could probably do a snowman also!

    1. That's a good idea! Especially since I bought out all the green streamers at Family Dollar! They have tons of white streamers left...

  4. Love it! and especially the snowman idea!
