Thursday, July 11, 2013

Extended Day: Extending our Mural!

Woohoo!  We were able to get permission to extend our Keith Haring mural that we did last year during the summer program!  Yesterday and today we worked on coming up with some more physical activity ideas to draw on the wall and we painted the background.

We started out by using these awesome manikans I bought from Dick Blick.  These are just the Blick brand 12", hardwood male manikans.  The kids LOVED using them!  They posed them in sports positions to brain-storm some physical activity ideas.

After we had a plan, we got the cart ready with our painting supplies and mural paint, and headed down the hallway!  We are using the Chroma Acrylic Mural Paint.

Last year I had the kids trace each other on butcher paper, cut out the figures and trace them on the wall themselves.  Last year it also took us the entire four weeks to paint the mural, so I decided to draw the figures on the wall quickly for the students so we could get right into painting.

The end of day one's painting progress...

The end of day 2...we did a second coat everywhere we could reach so everything wasn't streaky. We have a hoola-hooper, a volleyball player setting the ball, and a football player kicking a football through the field goal!  Depending on how their attention spans for this, if it only takes us two weeks to do this section, we may start a second section...students wanted to do a tennis player, a roller-blader and a mountain climber too!

Last year, even though I knew you should always start with the background first in a mural, we started painting the figures and did the background last.  This ended up being part of the problem as to why it took us so long to finish the first mural.  This time, I made sure we started with the background, and I also bought some new colors of mural paint so we wouldn't have to mix too many colors.  Last year, we mixed the blue for the sky and the different heat and humidity caused the paint to dry differently in the sky, even though it was from the same batch of mixed paint!  We had to paint the sky almost four times to get it right!  Here's hoping we won't face that problem again this year!

1 comment:

  1. Great work! Your mural colors and figures look great. Love the use of mannequins as an intro to Keith Haring.
