Thursday, November 14, 2013

Art 7: Final Sketchbook Tags

Seventh graders finished their graffiti sketchbook tags last week, right before 10 week grades were due.  Here's some of their sketchbook covers!  You can see the rest of them on Artsonia... belly was in the way of this photo!

Art 7 classes have now moved onto the 1-point perspective and I'm getting mixed reviews with this.  My maternity leave sub has been shadowing me and taking over my classes this week (tomorrow is my last day at school!) and she is comfortable with perspective, which is great, but the students themselves are not trying very hard.  Well, I should say that one of the classes seems to be enjoying it and understanding it quite well, whereas the other class is, well, not.  At this point, it will be up to her if she wants to try and continue with the perspective project or if she wants to do something else with the "whiny" Art 7 class.  

1 comment:

  1. Your last day of school! Wow! You must be very excited (and tired, and nervous...). Do you have everything ready to go? (With baby, I mean).
