Sunday, November 18, 2012

NYSATA Conference = Happy art teacher!

Whew!  I haven't posted for a while because I was at the NYSATA Conference...and it was a blast!  It was also a tiring three days! I crammed as many workshops in as I could into Friday and Saturday, as well as attended the pre-conference on Thursday.  As I start to sort through all my goodies, I'll be posting about the ideas and information I learned/received.  I talked to some of my region reps and hopefully, I will become more involved in NYSATA and help to create a regional conference for Region 3!

Oh yeah, and I also met Phyl and attended one of her workshops! :-P (My other art teacher friends who attended with me LOVED her presentation and ideas!  I think she may have more followers!)


  1. Look at you two! It's great that you got to meet each other in person! :)

  2. I just got home -yeah! Lucky me, I can sleep in tomorrow. It was great meeting you, too. Too bad you couldn't stay Saturday night to socialize -the TASK party was SO much fun. Next year is being held in Albany, hosted by my Region, after many many years. We want to prove we can do a good job, so expect a super conference! Meanwhile, like you, I have so much to post...

    1. I can't wait for next year! :) Depending on what the pre-conference is about next year (if there is one), I will probably stay until Sunday. Next year I have to set aside money out of my budget (I didn't do that this year...wasn't expecting to go) so I'll be sure to keep it in mind to try and set enough aside to try and attend the TASK party! Looking forward to seeing your posts and seeing what I may have missed!

  3. You missed a rockin time!!! TASK was a blast! Wait until you see the video! It was nice to meet you at the conference and I look forward to following your adventures on your blog! Remember to attend our Region 3 workshops and meetings!! Hope we see you around more!
